Buying a home can be stressful, it’s one of the biggest purchases you’ll make in your life. You can scroll through hundreds of pages of homes, visit multiple properties, and get distracted by others in what you are truly looking for. Whether it’s your first home or your tenth, use the recommendations below to dodge common home buying mistakes:

1. Forgetting What You Need
When seeing property, it’s easy to fall in love with that oceanfront condo you’ve always wanted but you realize after, that it’s not realistic for that dog you have and you need to walk it up and down the stairs each time you need to let it outside because of no yard. Try not to forget what you actually need during the home searching process, and make a list of those things so you aren’t settling for a home that doesn’t quite fit. If you end up compromising without those must-haves, you’ll end up being disappointed in the end.
2. Not Planning For The Future
It can be tempting to find a home that fulfills your needs in that moment in time, but realistically life changes. For a couple who plans on having kids, it wouldn’t be realistic to be searching for a 1 bedroom apartment when they are anticipating growing their family. Thinking about the future may be beneficial, and finding a home that fits at least your five year plan is a great idea.
3. Not Seeing The Potential
We all want our dream house and it seems like that is our goal when house hunting. It’s OK to be particular in what you are looking for, but don’t forget to see the potential in homes you are seeing, especially if it’s small things. Some buyers are easily turned off by a certain paint color, light fixture, or other cosmetic details that can be updated to your preference easily.
4. Not Having An Inspection
Don’t get caught up in moving in right away. It can be exciting to find that home you’ve been looking for and wanting to dive in, that you decide to skip the inspection. The inspection gives the home buyer the reassurance that the home is safe and sound, and can be thought of as a ‘health check’ of a property. The last thing you want to do is spend a lot of money on a home to find out there are issues.
5. Not Using A Realtor
A common mistake a home buyer can make is not choosing to use a Realtor. Realtor’s know what comes in and out of the market, trends, statistics, and value. They are well connected in the community to other agents, home builders, interior designers, all maintenance companies, and can answer/connect you with any questions or issues you have regarding to your home. They have access to many systems and programs like the local MLS and are educated in the local community. All of these, combined with your “go-to” person, as well as sometimes acting as your personal therapist, makes using a Realtor a smart decision.

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